What is the Servathon?

What is the Servathon? Our annual scholarship fundraiser

Students are raising money in teams for our scholarship fund during the month of February, and then we will come together in May to spend a morning at the YMCA Camp Tricklin' Falls helping to prepare their entire campus for campers (many from low income families) to arrive in June. In this way, we hope that the “serve” in Servathon will assist two communities:

  1. students within our own learning community who need some level of financial assistance to continue homeschooling with New Hope’s help, and 
  2. our broader community of friends at the Y.

Last year we raised nearly $34,000 which provided financial aid for over a dozen New Hope families, and we hope to raise that much again this year. Practically speaking, the fundraising portion that runs during February is when we ask our full-year students (workshop and short course students optional) to do three things:

  1. compile a list of potential donors,
  2. personalize letters (written and given to students by the office), submit them to the office for mailing, and
  3. follow up with them.

The first two steps will take place during the first two weeks of February (as we’ve told the kids in the past, February is the best month for fundraising because it has the fewest days plus February break!), and follow up will be in the last week.