Life Science (offered in 2022-23)


  • Practice scientific skills

  • Conduct experiments

  • Apply Math Skills

  • Learn time management skills

  • Participate in independent study

Course Description

This course is taught by Mrs. Rachel Corbin Lamb in 22-23.
Life Science is designed to immerse the middle school student in the process of “doing science” as well as preparing the middle school child for science at the high school level. The course will hinge on doing and developing. The aim of the course is to capture student’s interest through inquiry and investigation and encourage them to develop the skills needed be successful in science. Regardless of interest or natural ability, all students can enjoy, be inspired by, and succeed in science — and middle school is a great place to start!

Through the study of the natural world students will be…


  • Scientific skills practice — interpreting tables & graphs, reading diagrams, classifying, predicting, using models & organizing information.

  • Experiments – practicing the scientific method, understanding the metric system, learning lab safety, and using a microscope.

  • Math Skills application — measuring/estimating, comparing for accuracy and precision, calculating units and using formulas and equations.


  • Time management skills

  • Independent study skills; encouraged in this all-important habit throughout the year

  • A variety of study techniques to will promote better study habits


CPO Life Science by Scott Eddleman Scott

From the Blogs