deCordova Museum and Sculpture Park

Engaging with Public Art at the deCordova Museum and Sculpture Park

Students in High School Art kicked off their study of public art with a field trip to the grounds of the deCordova Museum and Sculpture Park in Lincoln, MA.  Blessed with a beautiful and mild October day, we enjoyed a comprehensive tour of the park, stopping frequently to study and discuss a variety of pieces of sculpture on display.  

The students were challenged to think through a variety of questions as they observed and explored each piece; What is your first impression of the piece? What tone does it set ? How does it interact with the environment and setting? What is the theme or message of the piece? What was the artist's purpose in creating it? Is it effective? What special considerations does an artist need to think about when creating a piece of public art?

The trip was a great preparation for the students' next project.  During the next quarter, students will work together in teams to create 3 pieces of public art for the New Hope community inspired by our core value, "A community of Grace and Affirmation". Be on the lookout for their pieces which will be on display in January!